torsdag 26. april 2012

Poem: Tony


Indian, Naive, Superstitious and Righteous.
Son of his father, friend of Leon and victim of the cop.
Who loves Pueblo, Leon and his family.
Who feels scared, nervous and protective.
Who needs safety, rain and peace.
Who fears witches, evils and the cop.
Who gives help, love and death.
Who wishes to see rain, the cop dead and his family safe.

Av Emilie og Rahal

søndag 8. april 2012

30 Rock

a)      I guess we watched this episode because the plot was relevant to the topic we are currently working with in class, racism. The episode regarded prejudices attached to racism.  In the episode we meet a woman who has just gotten a new neighbour who looks like he is from somewhere outside the country and speak  who does not speak English fluently. When she shows up at his door, he is not very welcoming and does not say much. This, among a few other things, leads to her suspecting him to be a terrorist and she becomes very paranoid. The TV-series is a comedy, so humour is frequently used throughout the episode. It shows that you can mix seriousness (since racism is a pretty serious topic) with humour.

b)      Humour is a way to approach sensitive topics, at least in small amounts. Where would we be if we just took everything seriously and never dared to joke about anything? Still, we have to know our limits. Some things are just too sensitive to joke about or make fun of. You may laugh at jokes and find them funny, but suddenly one offends you and then it is maybe not so fun. I think it all depends a lot on how it is done. The best thing is if it is done in a way that those meant to be offended can laugh along.

søndag 11. mars 2012


DEL 1: "Forstørre augeblikk"

Oppgåve A:  "Du sitter på bussen på veg heim fra skolen en ettermiddag. Du er trøtt etter en slitsom dag på skolen, og du ønsker at det skal være stille rundt deg. Men så kommer to eldre damer på, og setter seg på setene rett bak deg. De er av den meget pratsomme sorten."

Eg er så letta når klokka endeleg passerer halv fire og eg har fri, fri i frå skolen. Gleder meg allereie til eg har funne en buss og eg kan sitte der og slappe av. Slappe av, i ein halv time før eg kjem heim og må begynne med alle andre plikter og gjeremål.

Det hadde vore ein usedvanleg ille dag på skolen og eg gleda meg meir enn vanleg til bussturen. Det er så godt å berre sitte der, musikk på ørene, endeleg litt ro i sjela. Eg var så døsig, sliten og i halvdrømme at eg ikkje merka dei to eldre damene som kom på bussen og sette seg rett bak meg. Eg er ikkje allergisk mot folk, sjølv om ein ofte skulle tru det, men enkelte type menneske taklar eg ikkje. Dei som er av den særs pratsame sorten er ein av dei. Damene bak meg skravla og skravla og eg visste ikkje kva eg skulle gjere. Eg skrudde «sovemusikken» min høgare og høgare. Det virka som om lydnivået på damene auka i same takt som musikken.  Eg kunne ikkje flytte meg. Eg sitt alltid på denne plassen. Eg kikar ut, prøver å distrahere meg sjølv, men det nyttar ikkje. Stemmene til damene klinger inni hovudet mit, vert slengt fram og tilbake mellom tiningane. Eg nektar å innsjå at eg villa ha hatt det betre ein annan stad i bussen. Det er min plass, eg SKAL sitte her og eg SKAL slappe av og ha det bra! Hovudet mitt verker og snurrar, eg blir meir og meir kvalm.

Bussturane tilbake frå skolen er mine favoritt-augeblikk. Mine einaste augeblikk i løpet av eit døgn der eg kan tillate meg sjølv å slappe av. Vanlegvis er eg alltid på bussen minst ein haldeplass lenger enn det som er nærmast huset mitt, men i dag fann eg ikkje eit lite svev av lyst til å sitte lenger på bussen. Da eg gjekk av hadde eg meir lyst til å hoppe framfor bussen, enn å hoppe på den igjen. Det er fyrste gong på veldig lenge.

DEL 2: "Forskjellen på å fortelle og vise"

Oppgåve B: a) "Mikal er svært interessert i musikk"

Om du spør Mikal kva han likar å gjere, vil du aldri få noko anna svar enn at han likar å spele fiolin. Skulle du nokon gong besøke Mikal og kanskje ta ein tur innom rommet hans, ville du ikkje sett kva for ein farge Mikal har på veggane sine. Dei villa ha vore dekt av plakatar av fiolinar av alle mulige sortar og kjente fiolinistar frå hele verda. Og du kan vere sikker på at mens du er på besøk hos Mikal, vil han insistere på å spele for deg.  Og før du kan seie verken ja eller nei, vil han allereie ha gått inn i sin fiolin-transe der han ikkje ser eller høyrer noko anna enn seg sjølv og instrumentet. Etterpå vil han tilby deg å prøve ein av fiolinane sine. Eg kan ikkje bestemme over deg, men eg håpar at når du får det tilbodet, vil du finne det lurast å takke nei og heller seie at du bør begynne å dra heim. Du vil nødig bli ein del av Mikals besetning.

c): "Pizzaen smakte godt"

Lukta nådde meg som ein fantastisk vind frå himmelen da eg opna døra. Den var snart klar. Eg klarte nesten ikkje venta lengre. Eg sparka av meg skoa og sette meg klar framfor bordet. Alt var klart, det var bare det aller viktigaste som mangla. Det rumla så mykje i magen at det var nesten flaut. Eg kjente lukta da mor mi tok den ut. Trakk inn den herlige dufta og lukka auga.

Så kom den på bordet. Eg tok ein bit, sakte. Ville nyte dette fantastiske augeblikket. Eg tok den første biten og slapp ut eit sukk av nyting. Eg tok den andre biten, den tredje. Kjente den herlege, kjente smaken av ost, botn, skinke og heimelaga tomatsaus boltre seg i munnen min og få smakssansane til å danse cha-cha-cha.

Smaken av helg. Smaken av friheit. Smaken av mammas heimelaga pizza.

DEL 4: Innledningens kunst

Oppgåve D: "Til salgs; baby-sko, aldri brukt."

Forsiktig start
Eg og Monica har alltid hatt lyst på barn, kanskje spesielt Monica. Ho starta med å snakke om det i det små, men plutseleg blei det oftare og oftare. Ho kunne ikkje leve utan eit barn, sa ho. Eg var einig med henne, eg ville også ha eit lite barn. Vi prøvde så mange gonger at vi nesten hadde gitt opp. Derfor var vi så letta og lykkelege da vi fikk vite at vi skulle ha ein liten gut…..

In medias res
Da kjem gråten. Og ho gret. Ho gret og gret og gret og veit ikkje kvar ho skal gjere av seg. Ho fell saman, klemmer handleposen inntil seg og eg må støtte ho bortover mot senga for å legge ho ned. Ho ligger der og gret og gret og eg forstår ikkje kva det er. Til slutt klarar ho å rekke meg handleposen og eg tittar nedi utan å skjønne noko som helst. Eg ser uforståande ned på den vakre kona mi. Ho løfter fingeren sakte mot naborommet. Eg spring dit inn og ser fortvila på synet som møter meg. Det er heilt stille i rommet. Dei små barneskoa i handleposen kjem aldri til å bli brukt...

onsdag 7. mars 2012

Last Words and Death Penalty

Many of the last words on the list made an impression on me, it was heart-breaking to read. One of those who stood out, in my opinion, was They may execute me but they can’t punish me because they can’t execute an innocent man.” This was one of the only last words where the person claim to be innocent. Many others asked for forgiveness, called out a last declaration or love, or just did not know what to say. This person seems bitter. He may have accepted that he is going to die, but he does not think he deserves it.
It could, of course, also be that he is guilty of a crime and knows it, but is still claiming to be innocent. Maybe he had insisted to be innocent since the first moment,  and his friends and family still think he is. Maybe he wants to leave them with the impression that he was a good man who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Pros- death penalty.
-People who are really dangerous are being “removed”.
-Works as a warning, scaring other people from committing crimes.
-If we execute leaders or important profiles in different types of crime networks, we are really weakening them
Cons- death penalty
-Operates against it purpose. We are making it “ok” to kill, which is one of the most common reasons why people get executed. (double standars)
-You should get a second chance to change yourself
-Many people are executed without any real evidence against them. To kill what may be innocent are not setting a good example

My opinion:
I understand why people are for death penalty. Actually I may accept the executing of extremely dangerous people (Saddam Hussein for instance), but I still think it is the wrong ideology. I think it could actually work against its purpose. When you kill people to show that killing is a crime, it becomes somewhat a double-standars and I don’t think this is a good example for the rest of the society. Overall I think the arguments against death penalty is much better and more ethnically right, and I think we should remove this punishment-method completely.

Comprehension Questions, Capital Punishment
1.    What is another word (synonym) used in the text for the death penalty?
Another word for the death penalty is capital punishment.
2.    How many states in the US have a law permitting the death penalty and what percentage of the total number of US states does this represent?
A total number of 35 states have got a law permitting the death penalty. However, this law is only practiced in half of them.
3.    Which method is used as the primary form of execution?
Lethal injection is the most common form of execution in the United States.
4.    What are some of the arguments mentioned that support capital punishment?
Many people state that capital punishment prevents other people from making crimes, them being scared to die. The prisoners also prevented from committing other crimes. One argument is also that it is cheaper to execute offender rather than to keep them imprisoned. The families of the victims often want get even with the offender and they find it better of the offender is not alive.
5.    What are the arguments expressing opposition?
It is proven that having people in prison actually is not really cheaper and that having a death penalty is preventing people from making crimes. Many are also questioning that 42 % of prisoners in death row are black whereas only 14 % of the American population is. They fear that many prisoners are discriminated because of their skin-color and therefore get a punishment that they does not deserve.
6.    Why are many of the prisoners on death row black?
As said, many claim that many of the black prisoners may be victims of discrimination. Also many of them do not have enough money for a good attorney and therefore do not get a proper chance to try to prove their innocence. 

mandag 13. februar 2012

My opinion on Moneyball

Moneyball was an interesting and well-directed movie, in my opinion. First of all, I really liked the plot. It was very simple and easy to follow, but in the same time original and real. It was not just another stereotypical American movie, which I am very tired of. One thing that clarifies this, and what I especially liked, was how the movie ended. I liked that the Oakland A’s did not win the championship and there were not cheering and confetti, which would have been typical.  The way it actually ended was still a somewhat happy ending, but much more believable.

The qualities of the actor-performances are crucial for a movie to be good and so they were in Moneyball. Brad Pitt did a solid job portraying the main character Billy Beane, the manager of Oakland A’s. The interaction between Pitt’s character and supporting actor Jonah Hill’s character Peter Brand was the best thing about the whole movie. They made a very unlikely and interesting duo.

In addition to Moneyball being two hours of entertainment, I learned a lot from it as well. I did not really know anything about baseball and the money aspect of it which was interesting to see. Billy Beane’s team proved that you can build a great baseball team even though you do not have all the money in the world. The underdogs, who nobody believes in, can prove you wrong which I think is great.

When I first heard we were going to the cinema to watch Moneyball, I was excited. I really wanted to see it, because I knew it had gotten several Oscar-nominations including “Best Picture” and “Best actor” so I figured it had to be quite good. It did not let me down and I will not be surprised if Moneyball steals an Oscar or two. 

onsdag 8. februar 2012

What i found the most interesting about "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time"

I generally found the book “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” very interesting and I really enjoy reading it. The most interesting bit, however, would be that it is a boy with Asperger’s syndrome who tells the story. Fifteen year-old Christopher’s world is truly fascinating. He knows math and physics way beyond the anticipated level at his age, but his social antennas are comparable with a much younger person. He especially has a problem with strangers which makes him kind of stick to the people he has always been around.

Christopher is also very dependent on his routines to function and has got a clear opinion of what he likes and what he does not. It is very interesting how a “bagatelle”, like four yellow cars passing in a row, can ruin his day. This forced way of thinking actually has similar symptoms with an enforcement-illness which can be a serious disease. I think this part of his syndrome may be one of the biggest problems for him. If you met Christopher without knowing him having Asperger’s, he could seem incredibly smart (if you only looked at his math skills) or incredibly stupid (if you tried to communicate and had a real conversation with him). I think the state of mind that follows Christopher’s syndrome is what gives the book character and makes it unique. Without his view on everything, the book would have become very dull very quickly.

I have a thirteen year old cousin with autism. A person with Asperger’s is a high-functional autistic. Even though you cannot really compare the two, it was especially interesting for me to see how an autistic person thinks.