torsdag 26. april 2012

Poem: Tony


Indian, Naive, Superstitious and Righteous.
Son of his father, friend of Leon and victim of the cop.
Who loves Pueblo, Leon and his family.
Who feels scared, nervous and protective.
Who needs safety, rain and peace.
Who fears witches, evils and the cop.
Who gives help, love and death.
Who wishes to see rain, the cop dead and his family safe.

Av Emilie og Rahal

søndag 8. april 2012

30 Rock

a)      I guess we watched this episode because the plot was relevant to the topic we are currently working with in class, racism. The episode regarded prejudices attached to racism.  In the episode we meet a woman who has just gotten a new neighbour who looks like he is from somewhere outside the country and speak  who does not speak English fluently. When she shows up at his door, he is not very welcoming and does not say much. This, among a few other things, leads to her suspecting him to be a terrorist and she becomes very paranoid. The TV-series is a comedy, so humour is frequently used throughout the episode. It shows that you can mix seriousness (since racism is a pretty serious topic) with humour.

b)      Humour is a way to approach sensitive topics, at least in small amounts. Where would we be if we just took everything seriously and never dared to joke about anything? Still, we have to know our limits. Some things are just too sensitive to joke about or make fun of. You may laugh at jokes and find them funny, but suddenly one offends you and then it is maybe not so fun. I think it all depends a lot on how it is done. The best thing is if it is done in a way that those meant to be offended can laugh along.